Frequently Asked Questions

Curious about thermal breaks and thermal bridging? See frequently asked questions below. 

A thermal break is a building component that is used to reduce heat transfer through highly conductive materials that bypass the building insulation line. Thermal conductivity and structural integrity of the building connections are also maintained due to thermal breaks’ optimum material properties.

Thermal breaks are installed in the building envelope at many different locations, ranging from foundation connections all the way up to roof applications. The thermal break is used between the inner and outer building components creating a thermal barrier that maintains a warm and cold side. See thermal break locations.

The benefits of a thermal break are its capabilities to increase the building’s energy efficiency that helps lower operational costs and reduce the carbon emissions of the building. Energy code compliance, LEED certification, and tax incentives can also be achieved with the use of thermal breaks.  

Thermal breaks are needed when building with highly thermally conductive materials such as aluminum, steel, and concrete that penetrate the building envelope. Energy efficiency is proven to increase when installing a thermal break at the otherwise energy inefficient connection as a thermal barrier has now been created.

Thermal breaks are a proven method for increasing energy efficiency and lowering carbon emissions produced by a building. Thermal breaks perform in all climates and help improve indoor air quality for occupants while saving on heating and cooling costs.

A thermal bridge is a localized area or building component that has an increased heat flow through the building envelope. The increased heat flow is caused by a higher thermal conductivity than the surrounding materials.

Thermal bridging examples, linear, point, and clear field transmittances are different types of heat flow. Where materials with high thermal conductivity such as, wall to roof transitions, steel balconies, and metal framing create a direct pathway for increased heat transfer. Learn more about thermal bridging examples.

A thermal bridge solution is a construction method used to minimize or eliminate heat transfer between two or more building components, such as walls, floors, and roofs. Installing thermal breaks between the building components creates a thermal barrier that reduces energy loss. Learn more about thermal bridge solutions.

Thermal bridge insulation refers to the use of innovative insulating materials such as structural thermal breaks that reduce or eliminate heat transfer through thermal bridges. Thermal bridging solutions such as thermal breaks offer optimum insulation properties that improve the building envelope energy efficiency by minimizing heat loss.

Additional Information

Learn more about thermal breaks and the numerous benefits that exist. You can also contact the ClimaSpec team by email or phone with any questions you may have. 

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